
“Notti di luna e falò”…

Notti di luna e falò”, available now on  spotify http://ada.lnk.to/nottidilunaefalo  youtube https://youtu.be/u21N8f2AViM...

New album, new european tour!

Bandabardò is starting again, with a new album due out March 28th and a European tour spreading its energy around Europe. Fandango is movement, chaos and rebirth. It is the essence of Bandabardò: a family reinventing itself, celebrating life in every note, and looking forward to...

Two new songs, one videoclip… buon Primo Maggio

We chose this Primo Maggio to release two new songs, "Domenica" and "Che la Festa Cominci". You can find them from today on streaming platforms and in the repack of the album "Non fa Paura" that will be available at the merch stand during our...

Bandabardò & Cisco Tour 2024

Here is the first news we promised you: this summer, by popular demand, Bandabardò & Cisco will return to tour the squares for one last tango to dance together. The tour, which will start on April 25th and end on October 5th, will be the...

“Parole liberate vol2”, Next April 3rd

Next April 3rd will see the release of "Parole liberate - volume 2," a wonderful project that the Banda enthusiastically joined together with other artists who set to music lyrics written by inmates. From the song entitled "E il pensiero vola," a video by Giulia...

Monday 9th at Galluzzo (Fi) against the mafias

Monday, October 9 from 18 we will be guests of the association Antonino Caponnetto for the closure of the GRAND TOUR OF CONFISCATED PROPERTY. Will be with us also friends Saverio Tommasi ❤...

BB at Torino Book Festival

Tomorrow (5/19/2023) we will present Se Mi Rilasso Collasso at the Salone del Libro di Torino (Torino Book Festival). We are excited and proud. Roberto Pavanello will join us and together we look forward to telling you in words and a few songs about our 30 years...

Se mi rilasso collasso…un libro suonato!

“Se mi rilasso collasso” is the Banda’s biography and contains 30 years of our history. It is a book that can be told, but we also decided to "play" it a bit during these summer months. Not a real tour, but a series of dates...

Parigi, Canada… e Pisa :)

"Migrazioni Sonore" is a project that also carries in its name the concept of travel. And that is exactly what we are going to do. We are going to take our 30 years of music, passion and friendship on the road with our book, in...